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Hilton McConnico

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The mosaic cement tiles by Hilton McConnico

Hilton McConnico was a versatile designer and artist with many artistic experiences. His career has marked many minds thanks to his unlimited inspiration and perseverance in his arts.

Together, we developed a range of cement tiles in his image, which represent as many elements that are dear to him.

In this range you will find mosaics, or tiles to assemble together to create a particular model or design. This is particularly the case of the tile mosaic of the witch mask which is composed of four parts to compose a particular face that will blend in with many decorations.

For a more cheerful and lively decoration, you will find the friezes and angles that will marry perfectly with simple and plain cement tiles and which embody a strong symbolism for the artist.

For example, the cactus model is a nod to his entire career, since he drew his inspiration from this element that was so familiar to him in his native Tennessee.

Cement tiles in mosaic for a unique decoration

The bright and vibrant colors that adorn these cement tiles make them perfect decorative elements that will change the entire look of the room where you want to install them.

Depending on the design chosen, your decoration will take on a completely different look, but know that it is quite possible to imagine these tile mosaics in a bathroom, in a kitchen or even in a living room or summer kitchen.

Have a look at the other designers with whom we have created cement tile ranges: Paola Navone, Marie Hugo, Denis Colomb or even Luc Deflandre for original and almost unique tiles.